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 Software Licensing

Software Licensing was the obvious solution to managing Software Piracy, though it is now clear that Software Licensing is woefully inadequate as a sole measure. It's now become a reflex action to click 'I Agree' and 'Continue' without reading a word of the actual Software Licensing Agreement. After all, who actually has time to read it, let alone understand it?

There is now intense questioning as to if clicking the 'I Agree' button holds any legal weight at all, as many countries laws perfectly reasonably prohibit the enforcement of any contractual restraints after purchase.


More worrying still, even before the legality of clicking 'I Agree' after purchasing the software came into question, we have yet to learn of a case where a company found guilty of breaking the Software Licensing agreement had to pay more than the initial licensing fee required to legally use the software in the first place, it simply doesn't make financial sense to pay.

After it was clear software licensing was not working, the industry attempted to prevent software from being copied with Anti Piracy.


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